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Vaginal Health: Vaginal Steaming 101 with Olanikee

Writer's picture: Christina Christina

Hey, My queens today I decided to focus on vaginal steaming I'm sure you ladies heard about it, wanted to try it but, needed more info before getting into it so I figure why not reach out to Goddess Detox CEO Olanikee so she can answer some of our questions.

Hi, Olanikee! Welcome, It's a pleasure to feature you on my blog post about vaginal health.

1. Can you tell us what made you wanna start Goddess Detox and Selfish Babes?

I originally got started in business to raise money for a study abroad trip to Tanzania. I was selling t-shirts and scented shea butter for both men and women. After I came back, I continued the business and I found a feminine herbal product that worked. I decided to restructure the business, naming it Goddess Detox and decided to focus solely on women.

Right before this change, I was deep into a book named Sacred Woman by Queen Afua.

I was learning about crystal healing, womb work, affirmations and decided to focus on women.

After selling products on Goddess Detox for about 2 years, I saw that having a self-love product wasn’t enough for women to really embody what it means to love themselves.

I thought about having one easy-access way for women to learn how to love themselves and hence the app was born. Women really enjoy the notifications they get to their phone daily and that makes me happy. These notifications now impact their day for the better as well as boost their self-esteem.

2. Can you explain to my readers what is vaginal steaming?

Yes most definitely, I have an excerpt about it from the Goddess Detox blog below:

Vaginal or yoni steaming, also called chai-yok in Korea and bajo in Central America, has been used by indigenous cultures for centuries. And many modern women all over the world swear by it.

The secret in the steam is the herbal concoction.

The steam makes the genital tissues more receptive to the potent medicinal herbs added to the heated water. This tincture of medicinal herbs can then penetrate the tissues and enter the vagina, womb, and bloodstream where they can really do their work.

The practice has soared in popularity in the Western world fairly recently but has been used as a traditional medicine in Mayan, Asian, African and Caribbean cultures for generations.

In fact, it is considered as much a part of the Mayan culture as tea is a part of British culture.

Vaginal steaming is used to cleanse and revitalize the vagina and uterus, restore pH balance, regulate hormones and the menstrual cycle, and ease the discomfort associated with menstruation.

You can get an all-natural herbal vaginal steam from my company Goddess Detox Inc, at

Also if you’d like to read the rest of that blog article you can find it HERE

Is vaginal steaming really safe because I remember reading an article claiming ”it wasn't”?

Many doctors will say it’s unsafe as it is not part of their medical training. I believe it’s safe as it has been used for centuries. I am a person where I will do traditional methods rather than waiting for the okay from my doctor but to each their own.

I will say to avoid steaming if you are pregnant, on your cycle, or take precaution if you have an IUD (intrauterine device) form of birth control.

It's also best to skip steaming if you have a serious infection, illness or fever, or open wounds, severe irritation, or inflammation in the area.

3. Can vagina steaming help with infertility?

Yes, it can.

4. Can you tell us what are some of the do’s and dont’s of vaginal steaming?

Yes, I mention these above.

5. What are the benefits of steaming?

Vaginal steaming is used to cleanse and revitalize the vagina and uterus, restore pH balance, regulate hormones and the menstrual cycle, and ease the discomfort associated with menstruation.

Some women have taken up the practice as a preventative of fibroids as well as to help shrink fibroids for those who have them. Steaming is also a wonderful way to connect with your vagina, cleanse your self from energies no longer serving you and to detox your ex’s energy.

Along with the direct effect on the reproductive system, vaginal steaming is said to relieve stress, fatigue, headaches, general aches and pains, digestive issues and even some symptoms of depression.

Women who have used the Goddess Detox Queen’s In-Home Vaginal Steam & Throne Combo have seen great results. You can read or watch their reviews on

6. One thing I was wondering and I’m sure some of my readers are too, is the sex better after vaginal steaming lol?

Some women have said yes.

Many women may feel horny right after vaginal steam as it is very warm air penetrating your vagina.

7. I’ve had countless conversations with my girls about birth control being unsafe, what is your take on it?

I really don't believe women should be on depo, an IUD, an arm insertion or taking birth control pills. We should be looking at natural birth control methods or wearing condoms. I have a podcast coming up about this soon on more natural ways of birth control and getting in tune with one’s menstrual cycle.

My podcast is the SelfishBabe Selfish Talk Podcast and can be streamed via my SelfishBabe App or almost anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Some of my readers had a few questions to ask here they are:

8. What do you do when you get on birth control that works for you but causes mild vaginal dryness?

I am not a medical doctor, so anything I say is not to be taken as medical advice. I would suggest looking into eating more okra or eating flaxseeds or slimmery elm, all aiding in restoring vaginal lubrication.

9. Can the clit loose sensitivity? If so how can it be reversed?

I am sure that’s possible and no idea.

10. Last but not least, What ways can women explore their sensuality and be comfortable with their vaginas especially after being raised in a home where everything related to sex including your body was seen as mad or evil? ( this includes masturbation)

Women can explore their sensuality by using mirrors more often. Being in the mirror, speaking in the mirror to one’s self, really admiring one’s beauty more than just the outside. Dance on the mirror, really take all of yourself in as you gaze in the mirror.

Also, women can begin to take their mirrors and look at their vaginas, speak yoni affirmations to their vaginas. I describe this in my online course and book:

The Power Of Looking At Your Yoni. It's out of stock right now but will be back soon.

Keep a lookout on it and visit for course information.

We’re at the end of the blog post and I wanna know how does it feel to know you are boosting women’s self-esteem through your products and App @selfishbabes?

I feel wonderful about this. I really didn’t think the daily affirmations and self-love reminders sent to woman’s phone’s through the SelfishBabe App would have such an impact the way it has. Many women have said it has helped them through depression and even leave abusive relationships. I was very shocked to hear this, so I am very happy on the impact.

Can you leave your social media outlets and websites for the ones who are interested in vagina steaming and much more?

My Company Goddess Detox:


Download the SELFISHBABE App for free in your phone's app store.

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Thank you so much Olakinee for answering our questions!

See you guys next week and don't forget to subscribe!!! Support your girl



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